Questions are good!

The best way to learn is to ask questions. Click the questions below for answers to some of the most common questions about anaphylaxis, epinephrine, EPIPEN® and EPIPEN JR® (epinephrine injection, USP) Auto-Injectors and their authorized generics. Be sure to talk with your doctor if your questions aren’t answered here.

Life-Threatening Allergies and Anaphylaxis

  • What is anaphylaxis?

    Anaphylaxis is a potentially life‑threatening allergic reaction that can occur quickly (as fast as within a couple of minutes of exposure to the allergen). Anaphylaxis can be caused by a number of allergens, or triggers, which commonly include certain foods, insect stinging and biting, medications and latex.

  • What are the symptoms of anaphylaxis?

    Symptoms of anaphylaxis vary, but those involving the skin (hives, itching, skin redness) are most common. A majority of cases also involve swelling of the lips and tongue as well as of the airways (tightness in the throat, shortness of breath). Anaphylaxis may also involve the gastrointestinal system (nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea), the cardiovascular system (fast heartbeat, chest pain, low blood pressure) or the central nervous system (headache, confusion).

  • What factors put one at increased risk for anaphylaxis?

    Life‑threatening allergies can happen at any time, but certain factors may make some individuals susceptible to having a life‑threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Remember that by being careful to avoid your allergens, you can help prevent a life‑threatening allergic reaction. The factors that make some individuals susceptible can be divided into two categories:

    1. General factors that increase the risk of having a life‑threatening allergic reaction include:
      • Exposure to certain allergens (triggers) such as food (e.g., peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs and milk), biting or stinging insects (e.g., bees, ants and ticks), latex and medications (e.g., penicillin) for those who are allergic to them
      • Exercise, in susceptible individuals
      • Exposure to cold, heat or sunlight
    2. Factors that may increase the severity of a life‑threatening allergic reaction include:
      • Age:
        • Adolescents and young adults may be at an increased risk of anaphylaxis because of inconsistent behaviors in avoiding known allergic triggers
        • The elderly may be at an increased risk of having a more severe life‑threatening allergic reaction because of accompanying disorders and medications used to treat those disorders, such as heart disease. In addition, the elderly may be at an increased risk of having a more severe life‑threatening allergic reaction if they are exposed to biting or stinging insects
      • Disorders that make the symptoms of anaphylaxis difficult to recognize, such as impaired vision, seizures or depression
      • Medications or chemicals that make the symptoms of anaphylaxis difficult to recognize, such as antidepressants, sedatives or alcohol
      • Disorders such as asthma (especially if severe or not controlled with medication), heart disease, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease, such as stroke
      • Certain medications used in the treatment of heart disease, such as beta‑blockers, that may block the medicinal benefits of epinephrine

    Talk to your healthcare professional to determine if you may be at increased risk for anaphylaxis—and if you or your child should be prescribed EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto‑Injector or their authorized generics. It’s important that those at increased risk for anaphylaxis are careful to avoid known allergy‑causing triggers and always have access to two EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto‑Injectors or their authorized generics.

  • I’ve had a life‑threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Can I have another one, or have I built up a tolerance to the allergic trigger?

    If you have had anaphylaxis, you may be at an even higher risk for another life‑threatening allergic reaction. It is not possible to predict who will or will not have another episode. It is possible to become less sensitive to an allergic trigger, but this usually happens after a treatment like allergy shots. You may sometimes even outgrow your reaction to some food triggers. However, you may also experience a more serious episode than you did the first time.

  • What foods typically cause anaphylaxis?

    About 2.5% of Americans have some type of food allergy, and the problem is more prevalent among kids—about 1 in 13 children has a food allergy. Peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts and pecans), shellfish, fish, cow’s milk, eggs, wheat and soy account for the majority of life‑threatening food allergies.

About Epinephrine

  • How does epinephrine work?

    The drug in EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR Auto-Injectors, and their authorized generics, is epinephrine. It constricts blood vessels to increase blood pressure, relaxes smooth muscles in the lungs to reduce wheezing and improve breathing, stimulates the heart (increases heart rate) and works to reduce hives and swelling that may occur around the face and lips.

  • Is one dose of epinephrine always enough? When might I need two?

    Up to 20% of patients—about 1 in 5—who receive an initial dose of epinephrine for treatment of anaphylaxis require a second dose. Why? Sometimes an allergic reaction can be so severe, a second dose of epinephrine is required. In other cases, a second allergic reaction can occur 1 to 72 hours (usually within 8 hours) after the initial reaction—even with no further exposure to the allergic trigger. Therefore, it is important that patients at increased risk for anaphylaxis have two doses of epinephrine available.

    For your convenience, both EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR Auto-Injectors—and their authorized generics—are available in cartons of two. It’s important that you keep both EPIPEN Auto‑Injectors together at all times. That way, an extra dose is available if it’s needed. More than two sequential doses of EPIPEN Auto‑Injector or its authorized generic should be administered only under direct medical supervision.

    Make sure you speak with your healthcare professional about how to identify the signs and symptoms of a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). If you, your child or someone you're caring for shows signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis, administer EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector or their authorized generics immediately as prescribed and seek emergency medical care. Take the used auto-injector with you to the emergency room for inspection and disposal. Please read the full Prescribing Information for EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR or the full Prescribing Information for the authorized generics.

Your EPIPEN Auto-Injector or Its Authorized Generic

  • How long has EPIPEN been available?

    EPIPEN Auto‑Injector has been available for more than 35+ years. Over 80 million EPIPEN Auto‑Injectors have been dispensed.* Many patients, caregivers and school nurses are already familiar with EPIPEN Auto‑Injector.

    *Based on IQVIA data from 1987-March 2022.

  • Why did Viatris introduce an authorized generic for EPIPEN Auto-Injector?

    In an effort to improve access to epinephrine for patients with severe allergies, Viatris launched the first authorized generic for EPIPEN at a list price of $300 (per two-pack). The Authorized Generic for EPIPEN represents a discount of more than 50% off the Viatris list price for its brand name medicine. Depending on your healthcare insurance coverage, the authorized generic may be a more affordable choice for you.

  • Where’s the best place to keep EPIPEN Auto-Injector or its authorized generic? 

    You should take your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector, or their authorized generics, everywhere you go. They will need to be stored at 68-77 °F (20-25 °C) and discarded on the expiration date located on the carton. Your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector, or their authorized generics, should not be refrigerated or exposed to extreme heat or light. Keep these temperature requirements in mind when storing your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector, or their authorized generics. For example, do not store in your vehicle's glove box or in your refrigerator or freezer. Do not use the medicine if it is discolored (pinkish or brown color) or if the medicine has particles floating in it.

  • Do EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR Auto-Injectors (or their authorized generics) expire? If so, what should I do when one expires?

    Like any medication, EPIPEN Auto-Injector (and its authorized generic) has an expiration date, which is printed on the side of the auto-injector. Because the effectiveness of epinephrine may decrease after the expiration date, you should promptly refill your prescription before the expiration date. Do not use the medicine if it is discolored (pinkish or brown color) or if the medicine has particles floating in it.

  • Can I get more than two EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injectors (or their authorized generics) to have on hand?

    Talk to your doctor if you need additional EPIPEN (or its authorized generic) cartons to keep at work, school or any other location. The EPIPEN Savings Card or the Epinephrine Injection, USP, Auto-Injector Savings Card could help you save on up to three EPIPEN 2-PAK® or EPIPEN JR 2-PAK® (or their authorized generics) cartons per prescription fill.*

    *Eligibility restrictions apply. See full Terms and Conditions for the EPIPEN Savings Card here and the Epinephrine Injection, USP Auto-Injector Savings Card here. These offers are not valid for patients covered by Medicare, Medicaid or any other federal- or state-funded healthcare program or where prohibited by law. Mylan Specialty L.P., a Viatris Company, reserves the right to amend or end this program at any time without notice.

  • Where should children with potentially life-threatening (severe) allergies keep EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector (or their authorized generics) while at school?

    Make sure your child or appropriate school personnel have immediate access to his/her EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector or their authorized generics. School regulations for carrying epinephrine auto‑injectors vary and should be discussed with school personnel. School personnel should also be informed of your child’s history of anaphylaxis and your child’s specific allergy trigger(s).

  • Is there one EPIPEN Auto-Injector (or its authorized generic) for all ages?

    EPIPEN Auto-Injector contains a single dose of 0.3 mg of epinephrine, appropriate for people weighing 66 pounds or more. EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector contains 0.15 mg of epinephrine and is for children with severe allergies weighing 33 to 66 pounds. The authorized generic is also available in 0.3 and 0.15 mg doses. Your healthcare professional will carefully determine the appropriate dose of epinephrine for you or your child.

  • Can I use EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector (or the authorized generics) on a different body part besides the thigh?

    No. EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR and the authorized generics should only be injected into the middle of your outer thigh (upper leg), through clothing if necessary. Do not inject into your veins, buttocks, fingers, toes, hands or feet. Hold the leg of young children firmly in place before and during injection to prevent injuries. In case of accidental injection, please seek immediate medical treatment.

  • The liquid inside my EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector (or the authorized generics) appears discolored. What should I do?

    Examine the contents (the epinephrine solution) in the clear window of your auto-injector periodically. The epinephrine solution should be clear. If the epinephrine solution is discolored (pinkish or brown color) or contains solid particles, speak with your healthcare professional immediately and replace your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector or their authorized generics.

  • Can I reuse my EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector (or their authorized generics)?

    No. Although some of the liquid (epinephrine solution) remains in the auto-injector after an injection, it cannot be reused. Take your used auto-injector with you to the emergency room or your healthcare professional’s office for proper disposal and obtain a replacement.

  • Is the EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector protective case waterproof? What about the authorized generic protective case?

    No. The protective case has no rubber seal, and it is not waterproof. If your EPIPEN Auto-Injector or its authorized generic is ever submerged in water or another liquid, contact your healthcare professional immediately to obtain a new prescription.

  • What should I do with EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR Auto-Injector (or their authorized generics) after it has been used?

    Take your used auto-injector to the emergency room or your healthcare professional’s office for proper disposal, and ask for a new prescription for EPIPEN or its authorized generic.


Explore the latest savings offers for EPIPEN (epinephrine injection, USP) Auto-Injectors and the Authorized Generic for EPIPEN. See Terms and Conditions.

Antihistamines are not recommended for the life-threatening symptoms of anaphylaxis.

Learn why »



INDICATIONS (the following information applies to both EPIPEN and its Authorized Generic)

EPIPEN® and EPIPEN JR® Auto-Injectors are used to treat life-threatening, allergic emergencies in people who are at risk for or have a history of serious allergic emergencies. EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR are for immediate administration by you or your caregiver. They do not take the place of emergency medical care. You should get emergency help right away after using your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR.

INDICATIONS (the following information applies to both EPIPEN and its Authorized Generic)

EPIPEN® and EPIPEN JR® Auto-Injectors are used to treat life-threatening, allergic emergencies in people who are at risk for or have a history of serious allergic emergencies. EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR are for immediate administration by you or your caregiver. They do not take the place of emergency medical care. You should get emergency help right away after using your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (the following information applies to both EPIPEN and its Authorized Generic)

EPIPEN® (epinephrine injection, USP) 0.3 mg and EPIPEN JR® (epinephrine injection, USP) 0.15 mg Auto-Injectors are used to treat allergic emergencies (anaphylaxis). Anaphylaxis can be life threatening and happen within minutes. If untreated, anaphylaxis can cause death. This allergic emergency can be caused by stinging and biting insects, allergy injections, foods, medicines, exercise, or unknown causes.

Always carry 2 EPIPEN or 2 EPIPEN JR Auto-Injectors with you because sometimes a single dose of epinephrine may not be enough to treat a serious allergic reaction before seeking medical care.

When you have an allergic emergency (anaphylaxis), use EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injectors right away. Get emergency medical help right away even if you have used the EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector. You can use a second EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector if symptoms continue or if the first auto-injector is activated. If you need more than 2 doses for an allergic emergency, they must be given by a healthcare provider.

Before you use EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injectors, tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions if you have heart problems with high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems, asthma, a history of depression, Parkinson’s disease, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements. Tell your healthcare provider about all of your known allergies. If you have certain medical conditions, or take certain medicines, your condition may get worse, or you may have longer lasting side effects when you use your EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector.

Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take certain asthma medicines. EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR and other medicines may affect the way other medicines work. Other medicines may affect how EPIPEN and EPIPEN JR auto-injector works.

EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector should be injected into the middle of your outer thigh (upper leg), through clothing if necessary. Do not inject into your veins, buttocks, fingers, toes, hands or feet. It is very important that you hold the EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector down firmly on the middle of the outer thigh (upper leg) for at least 3 full seconds. If you do not hold it in place long enough, the EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injector might not have time to deliver the correct dose of medicine. If you accidentally inject EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injectors into any place other than the middle of your outer thigh, go to the nearest emergency room right away. If you inject a young child, hold their leg firmly in place before and during the 3 second injection to prevent injuries.

Rarely, patients who have used EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injectors may get infections at the injection site within a few days. Some of these infections can be serious. Call your healthcare professional right away if you have any of the following at an injection site: redness that does not go away, swelling, tenderness, or the area feels warm to the touch.

Common side effects include fast, irregular or “pounding” heartbeat, sweating, nausea or vomiting, breathing problems, paleness, dizziness, weakness, shakiness, headache, feelings of over excitement, nervousness or anxiety. These side effects may go away with rest. Tell your healthcare professional if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA- 1088.

Click here for full Prescribing Information and Patient Information for EPIPEN.

Click here for full Prescribing Information and Patient Information for the Authorized Generic for EPIPEN.

For additional information, please contact us at 800-796-9526.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.


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Prescribing Information